How Much House Can I Afford?
My family has been considering a move at some point in the near future (my wife and I have different definitions of the word “near”). Like many red-blooded Americans (the American Dream and all), I get tempted by the listings that are “just” out of our price range. Before you know it, the “budget” has quietly increased […]
How Much Do Our Clients Withdraw?
I won’t bury the lede; here is the data: Actual client data for portfolio sizes ranging from $1M to $6M (does not include client data for households below $1M and over $6M). Our clients do an excellent job of remaining well within the “Safe Withdrawal Zone”. Defining this Safe Withdrawal Zone is not an exact […]
How Much Should I Save?
As you build your net worth, your savings rate is the #1 tool in your arsenal. So, how much should you invest for retirement each year? We have long been fans of Vanguard’s annual report titled, “How America Saves“. We last wrote about that Vanguard report in this 2018 blog post. Vanguard hosts 401k plans for ~ 5 […]
Markets like this one can test your resolve as a long-term, disciplined investor. Watching/consuming too much of the news each day is likely counterproductive (both for your mental/emotional health and your finances). The constant news cycle tends to heighten our emotional reaction to what is going on in the world. As investors, there are always […]
Will Vehicle Prices (Ever) Come Down?
I bought my trusty 2007 Toyota Yaris in October 2012 for $9,300. Many of our clients know it’s a small 2-door vehicle – one that is often lost in parking lots tucked behind larger trucks and SUVs. The Yaris had just 32,000 miles on it when I purchased it. Today, nearly 10 years later, it has 114,000 […]
You’ll Never Regret Paying Off Your Mortgage
One of the most-viewed articles ever on our website is the article “Mortgage-Free by 43,” the story of team member Adam Colby and his wife Kristi paying off their mortgage by age 43. The popularity of that post shows how much we all resonate with the idea of being 100% debt-free. You can crunch all […]
When Investing Meant Buying Railroad Stocks
I’ve been playing the board game Ticket to Ride: First Journey (children’s version of the classic game) with our three oldest children lately. I once played The Beatles’ “Ticket to Ride” for them while playing, so now they request that song every time. The game involves trying to build train routes between various major cities. Transition into […]
Do-Nothing Investing
My dad texted the following to me earlier this week: I think what he’s asking is whether Monday’s selloff is a harbinger of things to come. Or maybe he wants me to reassure him that things are going to be okay. Or maybe it’s just something to talk about. [note: he did first text to see […]
Start Them Young
Everyone knows you should start investing as young as possible. But not many people actually start investing at a young age. So how can we get this message into the minds and hearts of our children and grandchildren? My oldest child is just 6, so I’ll have to report back to you in about 15 years […]
The Bitcoin Article You Have Been Waiting For (tongue planted firmly in cheek)
The last time I wrote about bitcoin on our blog was September 13, 2018. I was dunking on bitcoin back then, gloating about how smart we and our clients were for avoiding this asset during the late-2017 hype that drove bitcoin up to $19,835. That post hasn’t aged very well. And, you know what? This post […]