Mike K. Earl, CFP®, CPWA®
From childhood, I was strongly interested in working hard, making money, and most importantly, saving money. Today, I use that passion to empower our clients to succeed with their money. A lot of people experience unnecessary stress and anxiety in their financial lives.
After college, I worked in a large bank and began investing on my own for the first time. I remember plugging numbers into a Roth IRA Calculator and realizing the power of compounding from an early age. I was amazed at how [seemingly] easy investing was…not realizing that bear markets are what make investing challenging. A few years into my career as a financial advisor, the Great Recession (2007-2009) hit, and I gained a lot of crucial experience in a short period.
Those lessons from the Great Recession will stick with me for the rest of my life. I learned not to over-extend myself on real estate, to never sell out of stocks during a bear market, the power of being 100% debt-free (including no mortgage), and also the opportunities in stocks that arise from the ashes of a deep bear market.
Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” We aim to be those counselors that provide knowledge and safety for our clients.
A good financial advisor should have the heart of a teacher. Through our relationship, we aim for our clients to grow in knowledge and mastery over their finances. We want them to be the driver of their financial plan, with us as their sidekick/coach to help them realize their plans and goals.
I have been quoted as a financial expert in Fox Business, U.S. News & World Report, Yahoo! News, GOBanking Rates, Lifehacker, and Business Insider.
More important than my role at The Wealth Group is my position as a redeemed son of God, husband to Krista, and father to five children.

- BS in Business/Economics from Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL
- Certified Private Wealth Advisor (CPWA®)